Light of the world Sept 05


Good Morning

I am Jerry Breuss and this is my Wife Kathy

I been a member of the parish for 11 years.

I met Kathy 5 years ago at “Theology on Tap which is a way for young adults to continue to grow in an understanding of the catholic teachings.

Today as was mentioned we are here to tell you about our the Light of World retreat experience

I am sure most of you have heard of the Light of the World retreat because it has been in the parish for several years now. You might even know someone who has been on the retreat..perhaps we can take a minute and if you have been on a Light of the World retreat could you stand up for a quick minute.

Thank you for standing up .. when we attend our Light of the World this last Spring there about 45 parishioners who attend the weekend retreat.. so ask one of us for more information because in the 2-3 minutes we can not tell you all about this weekend retreat….the retreat is a weekend event where you will be able to encounter Jesus in a more personal and deeper way.

The retreat is divided into themes with small group discussions. The weekend retreat is presented by our priests in the parish along with fellow parishioners allowing us to grow our faith as adults in the sacraments in the church.

now Kathy will talk about what lead her to attend and her experience on the retreat.



For me, someone with a “Martha” tendency to serve, the retreat was about “surrendering our calendar” & discerning the Big YES’s in our life and God’s timing.

What I experienced

1) Greater love & understanding of our Catholic faith including a deeper appreciation of the mystery of the sacraments that uniquely unites each one of us to deepen our relationship with Christ, His mother Mary, & the gift of community found IN the church. For me, it is a new experience when I participate today in the Eucharist, Reconciliation, & Adoration.

-This focused retreat time helped Jerry & I prepare our family habits.

2) The retreat encouraged me to SLOW DOWN & grow my “Mary” or reflective side through silence & prayer which gives me clarity of direction & peace to face daily challenges.

3) The retreat challenged my COMFORT ZONE: To be a voice & example of the Catholic faith in our marriage, in our relationships, in our community, & and the workplace. Through our Thursday night small faith group, God has connected me with roles models of what it means to live the Catholic faith in good & challenging times. This community strengthens & prepares us to see God in our daily relationships & circumstances.

Lastly) The retreat shared with Jerry reinforced that each one of us has a personal responsibility in UNION with the Church to REBUILD the Church.

As mentioned in today’s scripture reading, UNITY is essential to any victory.

SO JOIN US…together let’s be a “Light to the World” and Jerry will share options on how to join us.


Kathy and I along with others who have attended the retreat will be here after mass to answer any further questions you have.

And for the husbands of the parish who are thinking of attending— if your wife is interested in attending encourage her to attend.. I hope you attend also.. .. you will be surprised how many men attend the weekend retreat and glad they did with their wives .. I want to thank my wife for asking me to attend..

during our retreat we met several a couples who were not able to attend together do to a conflict in their schedule .. take turns and one of you attend the retreat this fall and I am sure the other will want to attend the next session to experience this retreat, but I am glad I was able to experience the retreat together with my wife.

So again..the retreat is Oct 14-17..

The retreat is a commitment of time one weekend.. but the retreat is a life changing experience which has helped me grow in my faith journey.

For those of you unable to attend we ask you pray for those attending as they grow their faith

Jesus came to give us life, peace, joy and love!

Open your weekend up and give it to the Lord.

He will give you so much more.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the retreat